
体系结构 & 都市生活

澳门葡京博彩软件的建筑项目将工作室工作与建筑史课程相结合. 在工作室, students explore the built environment “as a person experiences it,” building models by hand, using laser cutters and designing with sophisticated computing technology. 城市空间、公共建筑和景观设计课程是工作室工作的补充. Often students work on local projects and at the 麦克利什野外站 在哈特菲尔德.


All graduating 艺术 majors and minors will:

  • 熟悉艺术和/或建筑的原创作品,并熟悉适合本学科的研究工具, including print scholarship, 在线数据库, and various reference materials; 
  • communicate their ideas effectively in written, oral and (as appropriate) material form, 包括依靠视觉图像或艺术品展示的公开展示;
  • 在博雅教育的精神下,从事各种学科的工作.

艺术 Studio and 体系结构 majors and minors will:

  • 在至少一种媒介的当前实践领域中表现出熟练的实践或技术.g, painting, installation, photography, digital media); 
  • 熟练运用广泛而相关的词汇来描述自己的作品和艺术历史的前身,并与之分享关系; 
  • 在当代艺术的文化景观中展示对专业实践和全球视野的熟悉;

Assessment (majors and minors): 学生将通过定期的教师和同行对其工作的评论以及对其书面和口头能力的审查来进行评估.

Assessment (majors only): 学生将为最终的展览创作一系列作品,这些作品是在制作过程中深入参与的结果,并展示了对作品存在的当代和历史背景的认识. This work will be evaluated through peer, faculty, and external critique. 

学生 will also complete the major with a professional-level, documented portfolio of their work, including both visual and written materials.

艺术 历史 majors and minors will:

  • learn to read original objects, 建筑设置, and written scholarship analytically and synthetically;
  • demonstrate familiarity with the different ways that spaces, 纪念碑, 纵观历史和世界,这些物品与真实的和想象的经历交织在一起;
  • demonstrate expertise in self-directed research, including fluency with a range of methodologies and debates across the discipline.

评价: 学生将在课堂上通过教师对他们的书面和口头能力进行评估.

学生还将完成一个顶点研究研讨会,结果在一个持续的原创研究, presented in oral form and a paper of ca. 15 pages, to be evaluated by the faculty.


Yanlong Guo, 芭芭拉Kellum, Elisa金, Dana Leibsohn, 约翰•摩尔, and 弗雷泽病房.


2020年秋季学期(或之后)进入澳门葡京博彩软件的学生需要满足以下要求. 所有其他人都可以选择遵循这一组要求,或者在他们到达学院或宣布专业时生效的要求.

要求: 12 courses, which will include:

1. ARH 110 艺术 and Its Histories

2. One 100-level course selected from the following:
ARS 162, ARS 163, or ARS 172 

3. Both of the following introductory architectural design studios:
ARS 280和ARS 281

4. One of the following advanced architectural design studios:
ARS 380或ARS 381

5. One studio art course in another medium

6. 三门以建筑环境为重点的200级或300级艺术史课程(其中至少一门课程必须关注19世纪前的时代,至少一门课程必须关注18世纪后的时代)

7. 两门建筑学选修课程(在指导老师的指导下进行选择)

8. 一次以艺术史研究为重点的研讨会(期末论文以建筑环境为重点), 在澳门葡京博彩软件拍摄)

建议考虑申请建筑研究生课程的学生至少修一学期的物理和至少一学期的微积分, after consultation with her major adviser.

**In response to the current unprecedented circumstances, 艺术系允许从2020-21学年开始,最多两门满意/不满意(S/U)课程计入专业.**


Yanlong Guo, 芭芭拉Kellum, Elisa金, Dana Leibsohn, 约翰•摩尔, and 弗雷泽病房.

Designed for students who wish to focus on architecture, although they are majors in another department. This minor seeks to introduce students to the history, design and representation of the built environment.

1. Three courses, selected from this list:

  • ARS 162, ARS 163 or ARS 172
  • ARS 280或LSS 250
  • ARS 281或lss255

2. 两门200级或300级的艺术史课程,重点是建筑环境(其中至少有一门课程必须关注19世纪以前的时代,至少有一门课程是关于建筑环境的。
one must focus on the post-18th century).
3. ARH 110 艺术 and Its Histories


体系结构 & 都市生活 Director of 荣誉: Elisa金 (Fall 2021), 弗雷泽病房 (Spring 2022)

Every year the art department organizes an informational meeting about 荣誉, an 8-credit class focused on independent research. 我们强烈鼓励有兴趣的学生参加这个重要的截止日期和申请时间表的讨论. 的 college’s official requirements, guidelines and deadlines are available on the 班级主任网站.

所有候选人将在艺术部门公开展示他们的作品, in late in April or early May.

Who Qualifies for 荣誉?

学生 wishing to apply must have:

  • 至少3分.4 grade point average (GPA) through the junior year in all courses in the major
  • 至少3分.3 GPA through the junior year in all courses outside the major

Only 澳门葡京博彩软件 courses (including Picker and Smithsonian), Five College and 澳门葡京博彩软件 Junior Year Abroad (Florence, 日内瓦, 汉堡, Paris) are counted in the GPA. 澳门葡京博彩软件第一年的成绩计入专业内外的gpa.

To be considered for art department 荣誉, you must have a strong academic background both in general and in your art major. 你必须能够独立工作,并且你必须对你的项目进行了长期而艰苦的思考. By the time you submit your application, the proposal needs to be clearly, fully and specifically developed.

的 8 credits of the honor thesis "count" as art department credits (i.e., they constitute part of the 64 credits in the major). This is one of the reasons why many ambitious and accomplished students choose not to do 荣誉; they find they would rather take other classes—either in art or other departments—to broaden their background.

的 Nancy Kershaw Tomlinson Memorial Fund 提供财政支持,以抵消与荣誉论文项目有关的一些费用. Your request for funding needs to be included with the application.

的 thesis will count for 60 percent of the 荣誉 designation. 对于ARH,论文的预期长度约为60-80页(不包括参考书目)。. 对于ARS/ARU的学生,这将基于全年的工作和最终的展览. 最终的Jannotta画廊展览必须包括全面处理和解决论文主题的作品. It must be installed in a manner that demonstrates best professional practices. In the case of site-specific work outside the gallery, 必须有一个Jannotta画廊展览组成部分,包括适当的文件材料.

的 oral component will count for 20 percent of the 荣誉 designation. This is comprised of a public presentation and a defense. Usually scheduled on the Monday of the last week of classes, 荣誉学生被要求对他们的工作和他们的项目的实地问题进行正式的介绍. 这个活动是公开的, 系里的成员将参加,学生们也被鼓励邀请朋友和家人. 荣誉主任和顾问将在春季学期与你一起排练演讲. During the examination period, students are required to participate in a defense. 对于ARH, 学生被要求简要总结他们论文的发现,并从论文委员会成员以及任何其他阅读过论文的艺术系成员那里提出实地问题. 农业研究所/阿鲁, 这将包括与论文委员会成员对最终展览的评论.

你的论文指导老师和第二读者都提供了荣誉称号(最高荣誉), 优异的成绩, 荣誉, 通过, 或失败). If they substantially disagree, 第三/第四位读者是由荣誉主任与系里协商后指派的.

In the art department the 荣誉 designation is determined as follows:

GPA in the major: 20 percent
演讲/defense: 20 percent

体系结构 & 都市生活教师



Louise Ines Doyle 1934 艺术教授
