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Our Mission


We Believe in Being


Providing the lowest barrier of entry to making, democratizing design practices, 揭开过程的神秘面纱,让每个人都认为自己是创造者/设计师.




One circle with an arrow at the end


向人们介绍动手制作的材料和方法,作为一种建筑行为, reimagining, and taking care of our tangible shared experiences.

An arrow coming out of the center of a horizontal line



Four arrows pointing at each other in the center



Two arrows forming a circle


澳门葡京博彩软件在教育女性促进社会变革方面有着悠久的历史. We believe this requires responsible innovation, 一个促进创造性和社会伦理考虑的过程, economic, 以及将新想法付诸实践对环境的影响. At the design thinking initiative we are guided by design justice principles, practice human-centered design, and engage in interdisciplinary making.  

A Design Justice approach to Human-Centered Design

这是一项承诺,在设计解决方案的过程中,向那些受影响最大的人提出挑战. 它是那些经常被排斥、沉默或遗忘的声音的中心. 这是一种检查基本假设和强调不公平条件的做法. 它是一种让未来变得切实可行,并测试在这个世界上运作的新方式的手段. 这是对设计的重新构想,将其作为一种解放的手段来维持、治愈和赋予社区权力. It is a collaborative, 分享知识的认知和同情能力, acknowledging what's working, and allowing change to emerge through the process.

What do we mean by Interdisciplinary Making?

制作是一种通过实验来学习的方式,学生可以在这种方式中驾驭约束, bump up against limitations, are pushed to think beyond binaries, translate the cerebral into something tangible, work through inevitable failures, learn from what is revealed by mistakes, 并发现一种独特的自我效能感,这种自我效能感伴随着愿景的实现. 制作可以让学生将学习情境化, and between, 文科的学科实践和知识领域. 在澳门葡京博彩软件,我们质疑哪些类型的制作是由谁和为什么重视的. 

Origin Story

2015年,一群来自不同学科的教师发起了一项试点项目,旨在整合设计方法, 将思维方式和实践融入到新老班级的跨学科工作中, 并支持学生和教师主导的设计项目.

Our Team

Emily Norton

Director and Lecturer of Practice

艾米丽着迷于我们设计世界的方式,以及这些设计如何反过来设计我们. 她致力于设计正义和韧性. 艾米丽自己的设计教育使她的职业生涯跨越了国际驻地, research in wetlands preservation, 教授社会创新和领导社区文化变革运动, organizations and institutions. 她相信通过制作来思考的力量是一种弥合分歧和感受未来的手段. Emily holds a B.F.A from the Rhode Island School of Design and an M.Des. from Design Academy Eindhoven. Meet with Emily during her office hours using Calendly.

Design Thinking - Photo of Emily Norton

Kathy Guo

Prototyping Studio Manager

Kathy Guo holds a B.F.我从马里兰艺术学院毕业,一直在做. Her artistic practice combines fiber, sculpture, illustration, digital tools, play, 和同理心来调查人际关系的复杂性:在文化中, family, community, self, and between one another. 他们总是致力于学习,联系,感受,批评和授权. At the Design Thinking Initiative, 凯西热衷于创造一个令人鼓舞的环境,让所有人都能亲自动手制作和使用技术. Meet with Kathy through Calendly.

Picture of Kathy

Jennifer Kennedy

Administrative Assistant

Jennifer joined Smith College in August 2018. 她是康威中心和设计思维倡议组织的行政助理. 詹妮弗是外部办公室和学生的主要联系人, 自2019年11月起担任行政助理领导小组(AALT)成员. Jennifer拥有Springfield College的体育管理教育硕士学位和Cedar Crest College的沟通和英语学士学位.

Photo of Jennifer Kennedy

Alix Gerber

Post-Graduate Fellow in Interdisciplinary Design

Alix Gerber是一位为另类政治设计的设计研究员, 共同创造事物,想象没有资本主义和没有警察的世界. 她也是一名以人为本的设计师,喜欢策划采访和共同创作活动,以反映那些受设计项目影响的人的需求, services, or products. Alix has a B.S. 康奈尔大学设计与环境分析硕士.F.A. 帕森斯设计学院跨学科设计专业. She has also taught at Washington University in St. Louis and at Parsons.

‘A Part of the Integrative Learning Team’

Integrative Learning 将澳门葡京博彩软件的多个部门结合在一起,共同致力于培养澳门葡京博彩软件学生的能动性,并帮助他们将能动性转变为知情的能动性, 有目的的行动,通过整合他们的课程和课外经验. 这项工作得到了更广泛的好奇心文化的支持, humility and reflection, which we seek to cultivate at the college. 综合学习团队目前的合作伙伴是康威中心, Design Thinking Initiative, Wurtele Center for Leadership, and Integrative and Reflective Practices.”

解释Wurtele中心之间关系的图表, the Design Thinking Initiative, and the Conway Center.