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students collaborate on a project

Collaborative Innovation Concentration

For any Smithie who wants to change something for the better!

To make real change, you will have to work with other people to understand and address complex challenges, and the Collaborative Innovation concentration will help you build the skills and capacities you need to do that effectively.

Collaborative Innovation concentrators:

Gain practical experience to develop skills for working with others to solve problems ethically and equitably

Critique and reimagine dominant frameworks for leadership, design, and entrepreneurship

Explore the connections between academic pathways and change-making careers

We invite all majors to apply.

The best innovations grow out of collaborations that include diverse perspectives. The world needs problem solvers from the humanities, social sciences, and STEM.

Requirements & Courses

Learning Goals

Students in this concentration will:

  • 将他们的学科知识和技能与其他学科的知识和技能结合起来,共同研究和创造应对复杂问题的合乎道德的解决方案

  • Learn and practice methods for developing innovative solutions to complex problems

  • 学习和实践领导技能,建立关系和联盟,以便有效地解决与他人合作的问题 

  • Engage in critique of collaborative innovation methods and practices to understand their impact, both positive and negative, in order to transform and improve these collaborative practices as they are applied in the world

  • Develop a clear sense of purpose for their lives beyond Smith, 包括意识到如何将他们的学科培训应用于协作创新将产生重大影响的各种职业环境


CIX 101 Introduction to Collaborative Innovation (2 Credits)

This course introduces students to key frameworks and theoretical concepts within the domains of collaborative leadership, human centered design and entrepreneurial innovation, and critically considers these practices and their impact in the world. 学生与在不同领域和角色中工作的嘉宾进行交流,在现实世界的背景下检查和探索这些概念. 学生参与实践练习和作业,介绍这些领域的工作方式,并反思这些领域与自己的学科工作之间的关系. This course is the gateway for the Collaborative Innovation Concentration, but is open to all students. S/U only. Enrollment limited to 32.


CIX 301 Collaborative Innovation Capstone (4 Credits)

As the capstone for the Collaborative Innovation Concentration, students put into practice various skills for collaborative and creative problem solving. Through a semester long, real-world collaborative project, students adapt and apply skills grounded in entrepreneurial mindsets, design thinking, and collaborative leadership. Students also practice the integration of their disciplinary knowledge as a core component of their team’s approach. Students consider  the ethics of developing interventions for complex problems, practice navigating ambiguity, and develop skills for decision making grounded in awareness of themselves and others, as well as the contexts in which problems are situated. Cannot be taken S/U. Prerequisite: CIX 101 and IDP 133. CIX concentrators only. Enrollment limited to 15.


Crosslisted Courses

IDP 133 Critical Perspectives on Collaborative Leadership (4 Credits)

这门课程挑战学生去质疑领导作为一个单独的和合作的努力之间的感知二分法. 学生通过批判性的视角审视领导和合作的理论和历史,并探索将变革想象为协作领导行为的替代方法. Through reading, writing, reflection and practice, the class offers students new perspectives on how they might lead collaboratively. Recommended as a foundation for students whose future academic work is likely to include significant group work. Enrollment limited to 40.

Fall, Spring, Variable

Collaborative Innovation Concentration


Twenty-two credits

  1. The gateway course CIX 101 (2 credits)
  2. The core course IDP 133 (4 credits)
  3. Three electives (12 credits) that meet some combination of the following criteria:
    • Critically engages ethics of practice within a discipline
    • Incorporates a team-based, experiential learning project that emphasizes applied problem solving
    • Explores social theories of identity and power
    • Works with complementary methodologies
  4. Two practical experiences or internships, minimum 120 hours each. 
  5. The capstone CIX 301 (4 credits)
  • 选修课程的选择应与学生的澳门葡京博彩软件和五个学院部门或项目的指导老师协商. Two of the three electives must be outside the student's major division. A list of electives previously approved by the CIX advisory committee can be found on the concentration website, but concentrators are not limited to these options. 
  • A list of possible practical experiences can be found on the concentration website, but concentrators are not limited to these options.
  • An alternative capstone may substitute for CIX 301 in exceptional circumstances and with approval by the advisory committee.

Additional Programmatic Information

The Collaborative Innovation Concentration is limited to 15 students per class year. Sophomores, juniors and Ada Comstock Scholars are encouraged to apply. The selection of concentrators is based on academic performance, intentionality and commitment, and diversity of the cohort. Collaborative Innovation concentrators design their path in consultation with their adviser, choosing courses relevant to their interests and needs.

Practical Experience Requirements

Collaborative Innovation concentrators will complete two distinct practical experiences, chosen in consultation with their advisor and with support and guidance from campus resources such as the Lazarus Center. These experiences are integral opportunities to support the integration of disciplinary knowledge, creative problem solving, and collaboration with others in a real-world context. Eligible practical experiences may include internships, paid or unpaid volunteer work, or immersive design or entrepreneurship programs. 

Each practicum will require between 120–220 hours of work, to be completed in one semester, over interterm or during the summer. A for-credit elective counting towards the concentration may not also count as a practicum. 

At the end of each experience, 学生将提交一份适当形式的工作文档(由指导老师决定),并写一篇简短的论文,反映他们对特定方法或实践的了解(包括他们发现的引人注目的和让他们暂停的内容)。, what they have learned about themselves, and what they are most curious about as a result of the experience.

所有在特定时间参加实践体验的学生也将有机会在他们的体验过程中参加2-3次群组对话. 这些对话将帮助学生与同时从事实践经验的其他人建立关系, while introducing structured reflection throughout the experience.

Additional Course Information

Core Courses

Core courses are required for all concentrators, 并向学生介绍基础理论和实践,以支持他们作为合作创新者的发展.

CIX 101 Introduction to Collaborative Innovation (2 credits)
This course introduces students to key frameworks and theoretical concepts within the domains of collaborative leadership, human-centered design, and entrepreneurial innovation and critically considers these practices and their impact in the world. 学生将与在不同领域和角色中工作的嘉宾进行交流,在现实世界的背景下检查和探索这些概念. Students will engage in hands-on exercises and assignments that introduce ways of working within these domains, and reflect on relationships between these domains and their own disciplinary work. This course is the Gateway for the Collaborative Innovation Concentration, but is open to all students.

DRAFT syllabus (subject to change)

IDP 133 Critical Perspectives on Collaborative Leadership (4 credits)
Traditional conceptions of leadership set up leading and working as a team as diametrically opposed; “leaders” are often conceptualized as those who achieve greatness through their own powers of persuasion or individual achievement, 而“团队”通常被定义为无领导的努力,凭借对给定项目或计划的分散贡献而向前推进. 本课程要求学生通过批判性的视角审视领导和合作的理论和历史,并探索将变革想象为协作领导行为的替代方法,从而质疑这种感知到的二分法. Through reading, writing, reflection and practice, 这门课将为学生提供新的视角,让他们了解如何通过有意识地创造一种富有成效的团队文化,以及鼓励他人介入和退出领导的建模过程,来带领他人参与合作. 

Recommended Courses

These 1-credit courses, while not required, 强烈建议作为规划和反思你的澳门葡京博彩软件道路的机会(包括你的专注经验以及它将如何支持你在澳门葡京博彩软件的更广泛的目标和兴趣).

IDP 132 Designing Your Path (1 credit)
Whether you are starting your Smith journey, embarking on or returning from an immersive experience abroad, weaving your interests through a Concentration or self-designed major, or wrestling with expressing what a Smith education has prepared you to do, this is the class for you. Test different integrative paths of your own design, tell your own story, and create a digital portfolio to showcase your work. By the end of class, you will be able to articulate connections between your work in and outside of the classroom, and to explain how Smith is preparing you to engage with the world beyond. 

IDP 232 Articulating Your Path (1 credit)
《澳门葡京博彩软件》适用于已经完成IDP132《澳门葡京博彩软件》或其他澳门葡京博彩软件经历的学生,这些经历允许他们反思课程和体验性工作, values and goals. Here, students will begin to look outward. After reviewing and assessing important learning experiences, you will conduct qualitative interviews to gain a multidimensional understanding of your discipline in the world. At the same time, you will create a "personal syllabus," a reflection on maintaining and pursuing curiosity. Finally, you will make a narrative digital portfolio and gain experience with public voice through an op-ed, TED talk or other piece of media.

Electives in the Concentration

Concentrators will work with their advisor to choose three 4-credit elective courses offered within the Five Colleges. These courses should meet some combination of the following criteria, as appropriate to the concentrator’s interests and needs:

  • Critically engages ethics of practice within a discipline;
  • Incorporates a team-based, experiential learning project that emphasizes applied problem solving;
  • Explores social theories of identity and power; and/or
  • Works with complementary methodologies
  • Examines systems and contexts

鼓励澳门葡京博彩软件大学文科专业的参与,并支持学生将这种广度与他们的专业联系起来, at least two electives must be taken from divisions other than the student’s major division. It is expected that students will take at least two of the electives after admittance to the concentration

Sample Electives

Please note: This list of courses is meant to provide examples of the types of courses CIX concentrators might consider as electives. Students are NOT limited to this list and should discuss electives that best fit their needs and interests with their adviser. 

Some of these courses might have prerequisites or be limited to majors, and therefore may not be open to all students, but can serve as examples of the types of courses you might explore.

Critically engages ethics of practice within a discipline
REL/PHI 108 Meaning of Life 
FYS 144 Science and Society 
FYS 189 Data and Social Justice 
PHI 204 Philosophy and Design 
REL 207 Morals vs. Markets 
ECO 223 Introduction to Political Economy 
ECO 224 Environmental Economics 
ANT 233 History of Anthropological Theory 
PHI 238 Environmental Ethics
PSY 267 Colloquium: Moral Psychology 
PHI 304 Seminar in Applied Ethics 
CSC 325 Responsible Computing
CSC 356 Platform Activism
ECO 364 Seminar: The Economics of Future Technology 

Incorporates a team-based, experiential learning project that emphasizes applied problem solving
EGR 100 Engineering for Everyone 
FYS 142 Reacting to the Past 
AMS 202 Methods in American Studies  
CSC 223 Introduction to Software Engineering
PSY 240 Colloquium: Health Promotion 
BIO 302 Developmental Biology 
BIO 303 Research in Developmental Biology 
BIO 323 Seminar: Topics in Developmental Biology Building a Brain
IDP 316 [Critical] Design Thinking Studio
BIO 340 Colloquium: Topics in Public Health-Pandemics
SDS 410 Capstone in Statistical & Data Sciences 

Explores social theories of identity and power
ENV 101 Sustainability and Social-Ecological Systems 
ENG 118 Colloquium in Writing: Liberating the Future 
AFR 155 Introduction to Black Women’s Studies 
PSY 170 Social Psychology 
EDC 200 Critical Perspectives in Urban Education 
AFR 202 Topics in Africana Studies-Anthropology and the African Diaspora 
SWG 222 Gender, Law and Policy 
AMS 239 Colloquium: The Culture Wars
PSY 263 Colloquium: Psychology of the Black Experience 
PSY 266 Colloquium: Psychology of Women and Gender
SOC 333 Seminar: Social Justice, the Environment and the Corporation 
PSY 345 Feminist Perspectives on Psychological Science 
PSY 375 Research Seminar : Political Psychology 

Works with complementary methodologies
REL 200 Approaches to the Study of Religion
SOC 233 Sociology of Climate Change
SDS 237 Data Ethnography
ANT 249 Visual Anthropology 
ANT 257 Urban Anthropology
ART/ARS 370 Topics in Installation Art: Unforgotten—Memory and Socially Engaged Art 
ARS/IDP 200 Art and Design: Futures Beyond Capitalism

Examines systems and contexts
BIO 101 Modern Biology for the Concerned Citizen 
ENV 101 Sustainability and Social-Ecological Systems
PHY 110 Energy, Environment and Climate
ENV 113 Colloquium: Organic, Mechanical and Digital Environments 
SOC 230 Sociology of Food 
GOV 233 Problems in Political Development
FMS 262 Television Without Borders: TV Flows Across the World
FMS 271 Understanding Media Industries 
ENV 327 Environmental Justice in an Urbanizing World

Capstone Course

Collaborative Innovation Capstone (4 credits)
As the capstone for the Collaborative Innovation Concentration, 本课程将要求学生运用各种协作和创造性解决问题的技能,以开发应对复杂挑战的潜在解决方案. Through a semester-long, real-world collaborative project, this course will provide students the space to adapt and apply skills grounded in entrepreneurial mindsets, design thinking, and collaborative leadership. Students will also practice the integration of their disciplinary knowledge as a core component of their team’s approach. Students will consider the ethics of leading teams working to develop interventions for complex problems, practice navigating ambiguity, and develop skills for decision making grounded in awareness of themselves and others, as well as the contexts in which problems are situated.

In exceptional circumstances, a student may submit a petition for Advisory Committee approval of an alternative capstone to substitute for this requirement.

Advisory Committee

Jessica Bacal

Collaborative Innovation

Director, Reflective and Integrative Practices and the Narratives Project

Erin Cohn

Collaborative Innovation

Director of the Wurtele Center

Megan Lyster

Collaborative Innovation

Assistant Director of the Wurtele Center

Borjana Mikic


Rosemary Bradford Hewlett 1940 Professor of Engineering

Borjana Mikic

Emily Norton

Collaborative Innovation

Director and Lecturer of Practice, Design Thinking Initiative

Andy Rotman


Sydenham Clark Parsons Professor and Professor of Religion, Buddhist Studies, and South Asian Studies

Andy Rotman

Andrea St. Louis

Collaborative Innovation

Director of Conway Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center


Declaration of Concentration

Students who have been accepted into the concentration and received their adviser’s name need to fill out the
→ Program of Study Declaration Form.
This is the last step in making the concentration official in Workday.

Practical Experience Forms

After discussing the proposed practical experience with their advisers, 学生需要填写相应的实践经验批准表,以便将经验计入专业要求:

  • Summer Internship (100 hours or more) → Internship Credit Application
    All students undertaking a summer internship of at least 100 hours are eligible to receive academic credit (0.25 credits per experience) that will appear on their transcript. We encourage all students who qualify to apply for internship credit. Students applying for Praxis funding don’t need to fill out this form, and should instead use the “Praxis with Credit” form below.
  • Unpaid Summer Internship (220 hours or more) → Praxis with Credit Application
    所有澳门葡京博彩软件学生都有资格通过拉撒路中心的实践项目获得一次通常无薪实习的津贴. These internships must take place during the summer, and must comprise at least 220 working hours. Students in Concentrations are eligible to apply for Praxis a second time– Praxis Plus. When applying for a Praxis internship, 申请人必须说明实习是否计入专业,并填写“实习学分”申请表.
  • Other Internships and Practical Experiences
    Students whose internships do not meet the above requirements because they take place during Interterm, during the school year, or for any other reason, should fill out the following forms.
    Prior to starting the internship please fill out the → Practical Experience Approval Form.
    Upon completion of the practical experience please fill out the → Practical Experience Completion Form.
  • Retroactive Credit for an Experience
    在被接受进入队列之前完成了与集中相关的实践经验的学生应该尽快与他们的集中顾问讨论经验. Once the experience is approved, students must fill out the  Practical Experience Completion Form and check the “Retroactive Experience” box on the form.

Advising Checklist for Graduation

Students are required to submit a completed Concentration Advising Checklist at the start of their final semester. This form documents the completed components of the concentration requirements, and must be signed by the student’s concentration adviser. Completed form should be sent to the registrar’s office ( and to the administrative coordinator for concentrations (

Practical Experience Information

The Collaborative Innovation partners—Conway Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center, Design Thinking Initiative, Reflective Practices, and Wurtele Center for Leadership—also sponsor a number of co-curricular experiences that might serve as practical experiences for the concentration. Examples include:



You may apply to the concentration in your sophomore or junior year.

Next application deadline is March 15, 2024


Contact Collaborative Innovation Concentration

146 Elm Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01063

Co-Director: Megan Lyster
Administrative Assistant: Yona Kimball-Smith